Thursday, April 2, 2009

Folder Options and Show Hidden Files Disabled?? I Have the Solution..

Let’s face it. All of us have been infected by virus before. Even if you have anti-virus installed, you can still be infected by a new or custom virus that is not recognized by your anti-virus. Sometimes after removing the virus completely from our system, you’ll face new problems such as you can no longer bring up Folder Options and Show Hidden Files because it has been disabled by the virus.

Here is the solution for Folder Options:
-> Run
-> Type gpedit.msc
-> User Configuration
-> Administrative Templates
-> Windows Components
-> Windows Explorer
-> Removes the Folder Options menu item from the Tools menu.
-> Right click
-> Properties
-> Choose Disable
-> Apply

Here is the solution for Show Hidden Files:
-> Run
-> Type regedit
-> Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\

-> Look at the CheckedValue key. This should be a DWORD key. If it isn’t, delete the key. Create a new key called “CheckedValue” as a DWORD (hexadecimal) with a value of 1.



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